Tuesday Morning
Wednesday Morning
This is the 'entrelac cushion', pattern published in the home supplement with the current issue of Simply Knitting. Do not ask about the pattern itself; it should have been proof-read more thoroughly. As you can from the pictures, I fairly cracked on with this, until it was time for the top triangles to be done. I attempted the pattern instructions at least four times, and it just didn't work out. I spent time ranting, then browsing my books, then googling. I found a solution which looked like it might work but decided to give the actual pattern one more try. Because I didn't expect it to work, I didn't pay attention to what I was doing, and the first section worked out correctly. Um. Not sure what to think. Well, obviously, thinking was not the answer - just trust that the fingers know what they are doing. For the next section I kinda paid attention, and it only kinda worked. Um. Confusing. Didn't pay attention to the next section, it worked fine. Paid attention while not paying attention in a kinda chaos magic way and thus was able see what I'd been doing. Then after a scribbled margin note, I paid attention, cocked up, had to frog, did something unpleasant to the section below, meaning that more serious frogging is now necessary, so the cushion front is currently languishing on the floor next to my knitting chair.Despite my ranting I have enjoyed this. It's been a while since I did any entrelac, and the last time my skills at knitting & purling backwards were rather rudimentary. Now I am teh rocksor at this working backwards lark, entrelac is brilliant fun. Therefore, I am going to do the back in entrelac as well, probably in two colours, if I have something in my stash which will do. I have some dark cream which might work. If not, then one colour only, and I will add interest through embellishment with beads, ribbon or such like.
I have been knitting between the last post and this, but it's been either secret knitting or boring to blog about, i.e. lots of stocking stitch in silver grey. Hmm. What did I recently get a pattern for, which is silver grey? Might it be a K9? Couldn't possibly comment.
On Sunday I'm going to the SECC in Glasgow for the Creative Stitches Show. I'm trying not to think about it, otherwise I'll get too excited and then there'll be trouble. But - I want to make a list of things to look for, so I have to think about it without thinking about it. I'm a tad out of practise at that, because I do practically no magic these days. If I had realised before, however, that chaos magic skills are transferable to knitting, I would have been more assiduous about practising them.
Anyway, please feel free to peruse the list of exhibitors at the show, and tell me which ones I should not miss. I'm so excited about seeing the knitted garden. (Saddo that I am.)
PS The yarn I'm using for the cushion was in fact bought for this shawl. However, I needed to knit entrelac on Sunday night, that 400g ball was nice and conveniently placed, and I had been thinking that it was a mite scratchy for a truly comfy shawl. These accidents will happen when one has a disorganised stash. I shall just have to get another 400g of aranweight. Perhaps on Sunday? ;D
Chaos knitting, I love it! It's going to be a smashing cushion anyhoo.
Yes, definitely keep the eyes open for some shawl yarn, that's a lovely pattern. Have a great time.
I've been wanting to knit something using entrelac ever since I learned it, but just haven't been able to find the right project.
It certainly looks like it'll be a nice squooshy cushion when you're done. :)
Craft shows are the perfect opportunity for new supplies and stash additions. Have fun!
Pesky SK, the cushion is looking gooood despite their best efforts to mangle the pattern!
Have fun acquiring stash at the show :-)
Chaos magic knitting - marvellous. It's certainly come along a treat.
Have a wonderful time at the SECC show, I'm sad we're not working any shows this year, it was always one of my favourites.
That looks fab, what a shame about the pattern being crap though. Hope you figure it out.
Have a fab time at the CCS, it sounds like there's a lot going on.
I am definitely going to have to try entrelac sometime soon. Thank you for posting your progress pictures, it's encouraging to see it grow that fast!
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